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Integrative Health

Integrative health consultations may be a little different to what you're used to so if you would like to be a new client please read this page carefully before booking.  If you're already one of my clients then click this button to go straight to my booking page:  

Dr Ruth Hull

My approach

I don't believe pills are the answer to our health problems.  Instead, I believe healthy living and good mental health are what make, and keep, us healthy. I use homoeopathy and herbs to support your body and stimulate the healing process but deeply believe that it is how you "eat, sleep and play" that is most important long-term.  

Working together

We can work together either online or in person.  My overall aim is not to "fix" you but to help you gain control of your own health.  So I ask that you come for a couple of consultations with short gaps between each.  During these consultations you will learn about your body, your health condition and how best you can support your own healing process.  Together we will make very small, easy changes that will have a big impact on your health long-term.  Your healing may be slow, but if you are patient it will be deep!



What to expect

Your initial consultation...

Your initial consultation with me will be long and in-depth.   It will last 1-1.5 hours and together we'll explore your health, as well as your past medical history, upbringing and home life.  During this time my aim is to get to know you and try to understand what is going on for you.  I'll then give you an "opening" remedy.  This may be a herb, homoeopathic remedy or Bach flower essence, depending on what you need.  I may also recommend certain blood tests which you can either get done through your GP or through me.  Sometimes, if I feel you need it, I will suggest we do a hair tissue mineral analysis. â€‹



ADULTS & TEENS (1.5hr) : AUD 260 + remedies

CHILDREN (1hr) : AUD 180 + remedies

20% discounts on initial consultations for pensioners, full-time students and infants.


Your follow-ups...

After your initial consultation, I'll spend time going through your case and working out a long-term strategy for you.  We'll discuss this, and any of your test results, in your second consultation which will be 2-4 weeks after your initial one.  I will now give you a more long-term remedy or herb and then, depending on your case, suggest you come for a review 6-8 weeks later.   Usually you don't need more than these 3 consultations, but if you have a chronic condition then you may need to do regular follow-ups every 3-6 months.



AUD 180 + remedies



Homoeopathic remedies : AUD 15

Herbal tinctures:  AUD 30 & AUD 22

Hair tissue mineral analysis:  AUD 218

All other blood or diagnostic tests vary.




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©2023 Ruth Hull

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